Wednesday, 29 February 2012

iTs ALL about Me ...The GAL uNINTERRUPTED :) ;P

 The new SUnshine i saw Today
Waking Up with a bANg
lOOking at the clock i shouted "Oh Shit"
Miss late is aGain late
JuMped off the bed
diN't forget to check my sMIling face
As a lAZy girl i always been
wHen i am Late i will mAke it a more
eNJOYING the tunes i grOOmed myself
Bading a bye to lOVed ones
A neW day has just begiN
BUt the day has diffeRnt plans for me
 Surprise to surPrises it had all for me
a SMILE never to fade
Miss late Miss LAZy proved again that nOthing can interrupt her ever smIling face
Being in lOve with the mOst interesting person is always sPecial
AmAzed by my Own unPredictable nature
I accept i M oBssessed With myself :) ;)

iTs ALL about Me ...The GAL uNTERRUPTED :) ;P

 The new SUnshine i saw Today
Waking Up with a bANg
lOOking at the clock i shouted "Oh Shit"
Miss late is aGain late
JuMped off the bed
diN't forget to check my sMIling face
As a lAZy girl i always been
wHen i am Late i will mAke it a more
eNJOYING the tunes i grOOmed myself
Bading a bye to lOVed ones
A neW day has just begiN
BUt the day has diffeRnt plans for me
 Surprise to surPrises it had all for me
a SMILE never to fade
Miss late Miss LAZy proved again that nOthing can interrupt her ever smIling face
Being in lOve with the mOst interesting person is always sPecial
AmAzed by my Own unPredictable nature
I accept i M oBssessed With myself :) ;)

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

SwEpT bY tHe FlirTiNg WiNd

Sitting alone near my window
Letting the chilly wind dangle my hair
Letting the breeze flirt with me
Sometimes on my nose
Sometimes on my eye 
Feeling the innocence
I smile
As for a change i too enjoy the dalliance
Suddenly to make the atmosphere Romantic 
I tune on my favorite numbers
Being lost with my new love
I smile
Enjoying the selfless love being shower on me
A tear drops don't know why
A remembrance strucks me
But my new love takes me to the beautiful world 
A world where stars are twinklng
A world where love is pure
The wind toying with my shyness
I grin
Mesmerized by the beloved wind
I feel Alive